
What to Do

It’s time to interpret your financial statements.

As Bobby Unser once said, “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” To understand what your numbers are telling you, you’ll need to evaluate your business from three different perspectives: profitability, liquidity, and growth.


Change course whenever it’s necessary.

Utilizing forecasts, projections, and critical checklists, we'll identify what threatens your business survival so you can change course swiftly.

In this section of 137 Awareness, we’ll uncover:

  • How much cash it takes to run your business

  • How creditworthy you are

  • How long you can sustain your business

  • How much your business is worth


Move from awareness to action.

Financial statements fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. We don’t just decipher the numbers, we teach you the language of business!

We’ll discuss financial statements, debt ratios, industry benchmarks, and return on equity as well as cause-and-effect relationships that are holding your business back – so you remain on firm financial ground.

Does your business have a plan in place?

Use our reporting rhythms checklist to learn what needs to be done.